News - page last modified : 12/03/24 00:14 PM Tuesday |
[12/03/24] The homework (#12, General Deep Learning)' due is on Dec. 6th (Fri), midnight.
[12/02/24] The homeworks (#10 & #11) are graded. - [Link].
[11/26/24] The homeworks (#10 & #11)' due is on Nov. 29th (Fri), midnight.
[11/25/24] The homework (#9, Global optimum-based weight setting) is graded. - [Link].
[11/19/24] For the class on Nov 26th, You need latest version of Matlab (2024Rb or 2024Ra) with all toolboxes.
[11/19/24] The homework (#9, Global optimum-based weight setting)' due is on Nov. 22nd (Fri), midnight.
[11/18/24] The homework (#8, Genetic algorithm) is graded. - [Link].
[11/14/24] Midterm exam for afternoon class is graded - [Max: 96, Average : 53.68, std : 19.37]. You have to return it on Nov 19th.
[11/14/24] The homework (#8, Genetic Algorithm)' due is on Nov. 15th (Fri), midnight.
[11/12/24] Midterm exam for morning class is graded - [Max: 95, Average : 70.11, std : 27.09]. You have to return it on Nov 19th.
[11/07/24] Lecture notes for "Genetic algorithm" & "Deep learning" are uploaded.
[10/31/24] Sample exam format is uploaded.
[10/31/24] The midterm exam for the morning class will be taken on Nov. 5th (Tue) 11:30~12:50. The midterm exam for the afternoon class will be taken on Nov. 5th (Tue) 01:00~02:20 PM.
[10/28/24] The homework (#7, Reinforcement Learning) is graded. - [Link].
[10/15/24] The homework (#7)' due is on Oct. 19th (Fri), midnight.
[10/14/24] Lecture note for "Simulated Annealing" is uploaded.
[10/14/24] The homeworks (#5 & #6) are graded. - [Link].
[10/07/24] The homeworks (#5 & #6)' due is on Oct. 11th (Fri), midnight.
[10/07/24] The homeworks (#3 & #4) are graded. - [Link].
[09/24/24] The homeworks (#3 & #4)' due is on Oct. 4th (Fri), midnight.
[09/24/24] The Second homework is graded - [Link].
[09/23/24] The first homework is graded. The second homework is still grading. Only you can check the score of the first homework - [Link].
[09/23/24] Lecture note for "Nonlinear function" is uploaded.
[09/10/24] The second homework (LP)'s due is on Sep. 23rd, midnight.
[09/10/24] The crew page is updated. Check your URL.
[09/03/24] Lecture notes for "Reviews of Linear Programming" are uploaded.
[09/02/24] Your homepage URL should be "", in case that your UID is "11111111". The due date is on September 12th (Thursday) , Midnight.
[09/02/24] Course homepage is opened.
General Information |
- IG0005-01
- Lectures : Tue 10:00 PM-12:50 PM, Global 576-1
- IG0005-02
- Lectures : Tue 01:00 PM-03:50 PM, Global 576-1
- Instructor : Hyunsoo Lee
Email : hsl "at" Office : Global 542 Office hours : 01:00 PM~02:00 PM, Monday
- Textbook : Lecture note and handouts
- Topics to be covered : See the Weekly Schedule section for more details.