Professor |
Hyunsoo Lee [Google Scholar] / [Github]
Professor, Ph. D School of Industrial Engineering Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Korea |
Office : Global 542 Phone: 82-54-478-7661 Email : hsl "at" |
General Information |
- Awards and Honors
Paper of the Year Award[1], Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems, Seoul (2024)
Best Paper Awards[1] [2], The Fall Conference on Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems, Gangnueng, Kangwon (2024)
Best Paper Award[1], The Spring Conference on Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems, Seoul (2024)
Best Paper Awards [1] [2] [3], The Fall Conference on Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems, Jeonju (2023)
Best Paper Award[1], The Conference on Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems, Jeju (2023)
Best Paper Award[1], The Conference on Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems, Mokpo (2022)
Best Paper Award[1], The Conference on Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems, Gyeonggi (2022)
Best Paper Award[1], The Conference on Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems, Gwangju (2021)
Best Posterial Award[1][2], The Tech Symposium (CECS2021), Chattanooga, Tennesse, USA (2021)
Keynote Speaker[1][2], The 6th International Conference on Industrial, Mechanical, Electrical and Chemical Engineering (ICIMECE 2020), Indonesia (2020)
Best Paper Award[1], The Conference on Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems, Seoul (2020)
2019 Academic Award [1], The Society of Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems, (2019)
Best Paper Award [1], The Conference on Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems, Busan (2019)
Korean Government Minister Award [1], Ministry of SMEs and Startups, Korean Government (2019)
Best Paper Award [1], The Conference on Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems, Chengju (2019)
Best Research Award [1], Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Korea (2019)
Best Paper Award [1], The Conference on Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems, Wonju (2018)
Best Paper Awards [1] [2], The Conference on Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems, Jeju (2017)
Best Poster Award [1], The Conference on Ergonomics Society of Korea, Kangwon Province (2017)
Best Paper Nomination, International Conference on Value Chain Sustainability , Louisville, Kentucky (2009)
- Professional reviewer, director and certificate
IEEE Senior Member (2023~)[1]
[Editorial Board], Computer Aided Design and Application, (2019~)
[Research Director][Journal Editor], Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems (2025-2022,2020-2015)
[Research Director], Research Institute for National Security Affairs (2024-2021)
[Business Review Committee][Technology Committee], KEPCO E&C (2023-2021)
[Director], Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers (2024~2023)
[Editorial Board], Korea Society of Supply Chain Management (2016~)
Reviewer on IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (2025~2023,2022,2020~2019)
Reviewer on Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Springer (2025, 2023, 2021~2016,2013,2011,2010)
Reviewer on International Journal of Production Research (2025~2018,2011)
Reviewer on Expert System with Application (2024~2023, 2019)
Reviewer on IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (2023)
Reviewer on Computer Standards & Interfaces, Elsevier (2022,2017)
Reviewer on Advances in Manufacturing, Springer (2022)
Reviewer on BMC Public Health (Nature) (2022)
Reviewer on Knowledge and Information Systems (Springer) (2022)
Reviewer on Chaos, Solition & Fractals (Elsevier) (2021)
Reviewer on International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communication (2021)
Reviewer on IEEE Access(2020, 2019, 2018)
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Elsevier (2020)
Reviewer on Recent Patents on Engineering (2020)
Reviewer on Sensors / Machines/ Electronics, MDPI (2020, 2019,2018)
Reviewer on IEEE VR 2018, Germany (2018)
Reviewer on International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (2020, 2018)
Reviewer on International CAD Conference and Exhibition, Paris, France (2018)
Reviewer on IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Singapore (2017)
Reviewer on IEEE Energy Strategy Review, Elsevier (2017)
Reviewer on Peertechz Journal of Computer Science and Engineering , Peertechz (2017)
Reviewer on International CAD Conference and Exhibition, Okayama, Japan (2017)
Session Chair on the Spring/Fall Conference on Korea Institute of Intelligent Systems (2017,2016,2015)
Reviewer on IEEE International Conference on Automation Science, (2022, 2016, 2015, 2011)
Session Chair on the Spring Conference on Korea Institute of Industrial Engineering (2016,2014)
Member of IEEE/System, Man and Cybernetics, (2015~)
International Journal of the Digital Human, Inderscience, (2015)
Journal of Pervasive and Mobile Computing, Elsevier, (2015)
IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering (2015,2014)
International CAD Conference and Exhibition, London, UK (2015)
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Seattle, USA (2015)
Session Chair and Reviewer for International Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its Application, Taiwan (2014)
International CAD Conference and Exhibition, Hongkong (2014)
International CAD Conference and Exhibition, Italy (2013)
Matriz Level-3,2 (2013,2012) [1]
Abeek Engineering Evaluator (2013)
International CAD Conference and Exhibition, Canada (2012)
Journal of the Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society (2012, 2011)
Journal of Korea Industrial and Systems Engineering (2012)
- Academic career
08/2006~08/2010 Texas A&M University College Station, Texas
- Ph.D. in Industrial and Systems Engineering
- Dissertation : Extraction of Contextual Knowledge and Ambiguity Handling for Ontology
in Virtual Environment
- Advisor : Dr. Banerjee
03/2000~02/2002 POSTECH Pohang, S. Korea
- M.S. in Industrial and Mechanical Engineering
- Thesis : Toolpath Generation and Emergency Handling Algorithm in Intelligent Composite Turning Machine
- Advisor : Dr. Suh
- Professional Career
10/2021~ Professor Kumoh National Institute of Technology
09/2016~09/2021 Associate Professor Kumoh National Institute of Technology
09/2011~08/2016 Assistant Professor Kumoh National Institute of Technology
09/2010~08/2011 Senior Manager LG Electronics, HQ, Seoul
08/2006~08/2010 Instructor, RA, TA Texas A&M University, USA
02/2002~07/2006 Assistant Consultant Samsung SDS, Seoul